Friends of Burlington

Friends of Burlington takes the traditional role of the Parent Teacher Association. We work with the school of raise funds to provide ‘extras’ not included in the school’s main income – often ‘fun things’ that make learning more interesting and exciting.


Our aims:

  • To encourage closer links between school and home.
  • To hold fundraising events to help fund extra equipment, resources and opportunities for the children.
  • To have the occasional social event, whether parents only or larger family events.


Where does the money go?

The Committee and the Headteacher decide how to spend the funds. Common items include computers, playground equipment, a school minibus for excursions, and smaller purchases such as end of year treats.


Get Involved!

There are many ways you can help with Friends of Burlington, whether you have lots of time to offer or not.

  • Whilst Committee Roles can be time-consuming, being a member of the committee is not. All we need is for you to come to the occasional meeting and pitch in with ideas.
  • If you can’t commit to regular meetings, you can offer to help out at the various fundraising events that are held throughout the year. We are always looking for people to set up, pack away, run a stall, help with catering…
  • Don’t forget simply supporting our events by coming along is always a great help!
Contact Friends on or via our Facebook page


Chair: Lauren Newby

Secretary: Rachel Ritchie

Treasurer: Sarah Roberts

We are supported by a team of other parents.